Quality vs Quantity.

I am very excited about this topic. I believe people are somewhat confused about cheap, quick services they believe is a “good deal”.
Nothing comes free in this world, unless it’s cheese in a mouse trap. If it’s cheaper , it doesn’t mean a better deal. 
I’m an owner of a beauty salon and I would like to share my opinion on this “good deal”.
I buy all high quality professional products in a professional supply store where only certified professionals can shop. I know I used the word professional 3 times in the past sentence, but it shows how important it is to supply your clients with high quality products. 
Unlike the discounted salons, where they use cheap unbranded products which can harm your nails and your health overall. Be aware!
When I acquire a new client and she’d like a full set of enhancements (builder gels, acrylics) it takes me 1.5 hours to complete the service without damaging the natural nail plate and preserving healthy nails. I also educate each and every client on aftercare to keep their nails and skin adjacent hydrated and healthy. 
Unfortunately in the discounted salons it takes them 30 min to complete the same service which tells all. 
Please, make sure you choose quality over quantity.

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