Professional products vs discounted ones.

You’d ask why should I spend more money for “professional” products if you can buy similar at the drugstore for cheaper price?

The answer to this complex question is simple. The products you find at the drugstore are diluted and probably long expired which will never give you the results you’ll achieve with professional “real” brands. 

But drugstore products are not  only  products I would like to talk about.

Let’s get down to discounted nail salons and the products they use to get a better understanding about generic nonprofessional products.

Every product they use in the salon doesn’t  have any labels on the products they’re using so you are not aware what’s being used on your body. The stuff they use is cheaper and they buy it in bulk to keep the expenses low.  It’s definitely not professional and will never give you results you’re looking for, moreover it’ll damage your nails,possibly causing fungus and other nasties that are not only not pretty,but also dangerous.

Before you decide to gamble with your health, please do your research first ,  find a reputable salon which offers professional products,trained professionals who educate their clients about the products being used and aftercare to keep clients nails healthy & beautiful.

Remember, Quality vs Quantity !

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